What additional information will you need to be able to finish answering this question?

This essay should not look like it was made by AI, instead it should look like it was made by a teenager. There should be no grammical or spelling errors. Follow everything listed in the attachments below. These are instructions on how everything should look like. We are trying to understand why my boyfriend not doing his chores around the house is a serious problem. Here is a list of details needed in this essay. You are me in this situation and need to write about it in the essay.

What is the problem you want to solve?
The problem is that I would like to make my boyfriend do the household chores that I ask of him.

Why does the problem need to be solved? In other words, how can you prove the problem really is a problem? What information will you need to find for proof?
This problem needs to be solved because I have major priorities every day and do not have much time in the day to do all of it. I can prove this problem is really a problem because we refuse to have guests over when the house is a mess, therefor we lose friends and it is very embarrassing.

I will need to research ways to motivate my boyfriend to do the chores
I will need to check both of our availability for each day of the week
I will need to research the benefits of having a healthy and clean home

What are some possible solutions?

Some possible solutions may include:
Rewarding my boyfriend for doing what I asked
Trying a different tone with him when asking him to do the simple chores
Offering to do it together if we are available
While I am at work, he could get his every day tasks done and then do the chores
He can pace himself if it is too much to ask all at once
We can come to a compromise & I can do something for him as well
He could hire someone else to do it with his own money, not mine
What are a few pros and cons of each of these possible solutions? What additional information will you need to be able to finish answering this question?
Pros: We work together and bond, quality time together, relaxing after chores are finished, rewarding ourselves, the house will be spotless, it will smell cleanly, we would now be able to invite people over in our home, we could form good habits with the method we choose
Cons: He will disagree with any of the solutions I have chosen, we fight about it, the chores do not get done, procrastination, the house smells, he uses the chosen method against me, I will do the chores that I asked him and feel upset and fatigued, we do not allow anyone over, and overall our relationship will be on the edge

What other information will you need to find out in your research?
I will need to find out if he plans to find a job soon
I will need to find out if my schedule needs to be rearranged
I will need to find out if it is something related to myself as to why he refuses to do the chores
I will need to figure out what is a good time in the day to ask him
I will need to ask him what he’s doing instead of the chores requested while he is home
I will need to find out if there is a way that I can get him to do the chores with or without asking
Who could be your ideal audience?
My ideal audience could be those who live with someone who does not listen or pay their due around the household.

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