Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the design.

For this first assignment, you will analyze different types of research. To begin, please read and view the following materials:
Rice University. (2017). 2.2 Approaches to researchLinks to an external site.. in, Psychology. OpenStax. [Electronic version]
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. (2010). 2.2 Psychologists use descriptive, correlational, and experimental research designs to understand behaviorLinks to an external site.. In Introduction to Psychology. [Electronic version]

Select one research design from column A and column B.
Colum A: Experimental Disign, Correlational Design
Colum B: Case Study, Naturalistic Observation, Survey, or Longitudinal/Cross-Sectional Design
Describe the design.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the design.
Give an example of a study completed using this design.

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