Explain your findings and discuss why a different statistical technique is needed in this case.

Explain your findings and discuss why a different statistical technique is needed in this case.I need you to fix my spss assignment. as i will attach my assignment and I will post the teachers reponse to mine after. bellow this i will attach the assignment.

You have the interpretation of the Levene’s test and the actual T test reversed. The Levene’s test is only to determine equality of variances so you know which of the t-test numbers to trust. If it is significant, you look at the Levene’s line of the T-test. If it isn’t significant, you can use the uncorrected T-test number to determine significance. Please review your output and make the appropriate corrections.

The inital question was –
Part One
Using the data set below for Chapter 4, for which two groups, one who received pet therapy and another group who did not and for whom pulse rates were recorded. Use this data and the “Independent Samples t-test” procedure to produce output in SPSS. Be sure to request the Levene’s test and say why it is important but be sure not to confuse it with the actual t-test statistic. Write your interpretation of your findings directly on the SPSS output. Save it and upload it here.
Part Two
Using the data set below for Chapter 8, in which there are before and after measures of city districts, looking at crime rates before and after improvements in street lighting. Use the “Paired-samples t-test” procedure to produce output measuring the effect of the lighting. Explain your findings and discuss why a different statistical technique is needed in this case. Write your interpretations directly on the SPSS output. Save it and upload it here.

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