Describe at least 3 methods police leaders use to prevent racial profiling in their department.

This assignment will require you to conduct research. You can use the following resources: textbook, Internet, local police department or KU library database. Conduct research on racial profiling, police department’s response to racial profiling prevention efforts and the effects of racial profiling on police-community relations. AS Instructions: Write an APA, two-page paper, that addresses the following topics:
Define and then explain racial profiling as it relates to American Policing.
Describe at least 3 methods police leaders use to prevent racial profiling in their department.

Evaluate the effectiveness of police department’s prevention efforts as it relates to racial profiling.
Describe how racial profiling affects the relationship between the police and the community they serve.
Create at least 3 recommendations on how police departments can prevent racial profiling and improve police-community relations.

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