Discuss in maximum 1,000 words why the socio-economic view that the purpose of the firm should be to maximise the shareholder value is criticised.

I would like to have this assignment in simple language as I’m not professional in business
It should include 1000 words with 4 references

Discuss in maximum 1,000 words why the socio-economic view that the purpose of
the firm should be to maximise the shareholder value is criticised. You are expected
to use all of the following course readings in answering the question.

In your answer
you should list some of the evidence that the authors of these readings give to
support their arguments.
1. Bat, R. L, and Appelbaum, E. (2013) “The Impact of Financialization on
Management and Employment Outcomes”, Center for Economic and Policy
Research Upjohn Institute working paper ; 13-191 available at
2. Ertürk, I. (2020) “Shareholder Primacy and Corporate Financialization” in
Mader P., Mertens, D. and van der Zwan, N. (2020) International Handbook
of Financialization, Routledge, Oxon, London
3. Haldane, A. G. (2015) “Who owns a company?” Speech given at the
University of Edinburgh Corporate Finance Conference 22 May 2015,
available at:
4. Mayer, C., 2021. The Future of the Corporation and the Economics of
Purpose. Journal of Management Studies, 58(3), pp.887-901.

“Comprehensiveness and accuracy of your use of the required readings in answering
Question 1 and your presentation of the evidence from the readings.

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