climate change-Analyze a text focusing on either rhetorical strategies or an aspect of its content—or maybe a combination of the two?

In this assignment, build on the ideas developed in the Mini-Analysis/ses which you’d like to work with further and extend into a full academic essay. The topic will be basically the same, but in this essay, you may choose whether to keep focusing on just one text, or whether to focus on an angle of Climate Justice which you’ve noticed emerging from the sources.

You already have drafted a thesis statement and created supportg in the 2-page range; now, you’ll build on those ideas to develop a 3-5 page essay. To develop the points made in the mini-analysis, look for its claims on which you can expand by explaining more fully in your own words, as well as support with text evidence/examples.

Analysis—an expression of academically-driven examination of a work.
The Basics: In this 3-5-page ** essay, you will demonstrate your ability to read closely, think critically, and write cogently to substantiate/exemplify an academic argument: This means no summary of the assigned work is needed and no biographical reports on authors of those works need to be included. Your essay will instead establish an analytical claim (the thesis) that demands support and prove that analytical claim (evidence). The thesis may focus on one assigned reading or multiple assigned readings if you want to explore a broader Climate-Justice-related topic or maybe pursue a comparison contrast of two of the assigned course materials.

Topic: Clearly, part of your task in this assignment is the development of your own topic, as you did in the mini-analyses. Remember that you may take one of the mini-analyses, use it as a foundation for the essay, and build on what you’ve already written. Or you may take a portion of one of the mini-analyses and take the line of analysis/line of argument in the same direction or a totally different one. You may also choose to focus on a discussion forum questions you’d like to explore further.

Focusing on one text: Analyze a text focusing on either rhetorical strategies or an aspect of its content—or maybe a combination of the two? What you have to say in this essay is extremely important. The content here is made up of your own ideas as supported by the text. Make sure to develop your ideas, explore your ideas logically, support them meaningfully, and express them clearly.
Focusing on a theme: If you’d like to prove a claim about Parable of the Sower and/or Climate Justice based on patterns you identified in multiple course texts.
Include a counter argument, which demonstrates that you can anticipate what someone who disagrees with your point would argue. Then, show how their counter is not as logical as your point through your own logic as well as support.

Support: Be sure to use properly-documented quotes, paraphrase, or summary from the course materials itself to lend support to your claims.
Support from assigned coursework: At least one assigned course material must be used meaningfully to support/exemplify your analytical claims.
Support from outside research? No, but if you want to include one credible outside source, that’s totally fine. Make sure to include it on the Works Cited and document it properly in-text, though.
Documentation: Because textual support is mandatory, this essay must utilize in-text documentation and include a Works Cited page. Remember that the WC is never included in the page count. If you don’t know MLA documentation well, OWL at Purdue is very helpful: to an external site.Links to an external site.

What are some other aspects of this essay assignment I should focus on?
Structure: The Academic Essay is one genre of many, and it is one used in many college and university courses. Learning to compose one genre prepares you to compose others, for the writing process is about adjusting the presentation of our ideas for constraints and benefits of the genre we’re working within.
Open with a fully-developed introductory paragraph to establish context for your topic, and include the thesis there as well.

Compose a clear thesis statement–one statement in the introductory paragraph that establishes a claim that needs to be proven.
Be sure to mention the course materials to be used in the introduction.
Keep in mind that the tone of the essay is the academic objective–meaning the focus is on objective arguments.

The essay must be double-spaced & properly headed and include a title.
Tone: This essay will be written from an academic objective point of view: In other words, you usually will not be referring to yourself as “I” within the paper, but you will be exploring your analytical ideas objectively.

Conclusion: The conclusion serves to capture the importance of the claims and support your essay has expressed to the audience. Avoid using the concluding paragraph as a summary space for your essay. Highlighting the points you’re most confident in by explaining their importance is the way to really flesh out your concluding paragraph and leave the audience.with a feeling of true closure.

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