moral relativism-Write a paper for philosophy class as an undergrad student. The paper instructions: what is moral relativism?

Write a paper for philosophy class as an undergrad student.
The paper instructions: what is moral relativism? Why support it? what is an objection to more relativism? What is a response to that objection?
First write a 4 sentence summary where: 1) My paper argues P. 2) a reason for P is R. 3) An objection to P (or R) is O. 4) Hovewer, I respond to O with X.

You’re writing should be clear and polished your argument should be explicit while structured and easy to follow. You should explain what you mean by key terms and where appropriate, Use examples to illustrate your points. You must reference at least one text. You may reference the readings and I encourage you to reference other sources, too. I will primarily assess your understanding of the relevant theory, your ability to identify with valid arguments and objections and your ability to express philosophical content.
The first source is “aren’t right or wrong just matters of opinion? On moral relativism and subjectivism. ” by Paul Rezkalla.

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