Does education increase or decrease the participation of youth in violent conflicts? Discuss this in relation to Paul Collier’s thesis and using syria as a case study.

-if you feel the case study doesn′t suit the topic you can use any other ( developing country )
-show clear structure and good organization, and logical arrangement of section/facts and data and examples.
– Do not generalize about youth; always contextualise your analysis using a specificcase study.
– Highlighting youth perspectives, voices and agency in your argument and essay is acore demand.
– Make the essay very analytical (not mere desсrіption.).
– Avoid plagiarism and observe academic integrity (no ghost writing please).
– Avoid/minimise the use of internet-based resources, and no Wikipedia please.
– Include the argument of the essay in your introduction.
– please use the attached sources only
– at least 7 sources from the attached sources
– make it consistent and coherence, and connect ideas across sections.
Moreover, don′t simply summarise certain literature and make it generic try to focus on the case study so as to undertake in-depth analysis.

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