Explain the aftermath and consequences of Duran stopping the fight against Leonard. Describe what this tells us about cultural expectations with regard to behavior.

Answers have to be given for all questions. They also need to be substantial, relevant detail based on the assigned textbook. Answers have to be complete, concise and state an original point as well.

Discussion – Based on the Roberto Duran article, describe the positive and negative characteristics of machismo in Panamanian culture and the societal ideals of manhood. What accounts for Duran downplaying his feminine or anti-machista characteristics? Explain the aftermath and consequences of Duran stopping the fight against Leonard. Describe what this tells us about cultural expectations with regard to behavior.

Textbook- Smith, P. H., Green, J, N., & Skidmore, T. E. (2018). Modern Latin America (9th ed.). Oxford University Press Academic US.
3 minutes ago

Roberto Duran, Omar Torrijos, and the Rise of Isthmian Machismo (Article – pp. 17-38)

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