Arts analysis and the Spanish empire.

This should be written in THREE SECTIONS:
General Question
Consider this illustration from Guaman Poma de Ayala’s chronicle showing Andean indigenous artists. What can this picture tell us about issues of colonial artistic labor, notably questions concerning the visibility, authorship and appearance of colonial artworks?
Provide a detailed visual description of the illustrated scene and include at least one additional example of an artwork drawn from the reading in your response.
Your response should include citations from the readings im providing specifically for this image, (either in-quote or paraphrase).
Compare and contrast these two artworks depicting the same Catholic holy figure, Saint John the Evangelist.
How does each artist(s) depict this biblical figure in their respective mediums?
Consider elements of iconography, composition, style and material. Consider also the artists’ cultural backgrounds and how this would have informed different ways to represent sacredness.
Provide at least one citation from the reading i provided.
Consider this passage by colonist and chronicler Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés (1478-1557) on the Taíno people and their religious practices:
“I have never found amongst this generation of people such an accepted and revered object than these abominable unholy devils (…); they are painted or sculpted in many ways with many heads and tails, [they are] disfigured and frightening (…) with large fangs, and disproportionate ears, with fiery dragon eyes [made with shiny shells] (…) they call [such images] cemí, and they consider them to be their God, and they them ask for water, or the sun, or bread, or victory against all their enemies, and everything they desire; and they think that the cemí gives it to them whenever he pleases.”

What was the significance and meaning of the Zemi for the Taíno people and how are they being described here by Oviedo? Consider the specific terms used by Oviedo to characterize the Zemi and situate this terminology within the context of Spanish colonization.

Be sure to reference the passage (either direct quotation or paraphrase} to construct your response.

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