What are the stylistic/linguistic characteristics of the text that make it a good example of the “stream of consciousness” technique?

Here is the first page of Mrs Dalloway, a novel published by Virginia Woolf in 1925, and three of its translations into French published in 1929, 1993 and 1994. Focus on the linguistic and stylistic analysis of the source text first.

Since there are three translations, two of which are more recent and practically contemporary, you will need to select the most salient and/or relevant divergences between the first translation of 1929 and the other two.

You can write your commentary in English or French – between 6 and 8 pages of 2000 characters (including spaces) approximately in WORD format.

To guide you, here are some questions that you can ask yourself when reading the original text (It is not a question of answering these questions one after the other in your assignment; these questions (non-exhaustive) are intended to guide your presentation of the source text, before approaching the translation commentary itself):

– Who is speaking? What voice do we hear? –> narrator’s voice vs. character’s voice

– And a related question: What are the different types of reported speech (modes of presentation of speech or thought) present in the passage?

– Can you identify the different clues that allow you to distinguish between these different types of reported speech?

– What are the stylistic/linguistic characteristics of the text that make it a good example of the “stream of consciousness” technique?

– What are the markers that refer directly to Clarissa’s speech situation? in other words, the “discursive or deictic markers”?

Since there are three translations, two of which are more recent and practically contemporary, you will need to select the most salient and/or relevant divergences between the first translation of 1929 and the other two.

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