What is your chosen medication advertisement or article?

Most up-to-date CPGs: https://www.novartis.com/us-en/sites/novartis_us/files/ilaris.pdfLinks to an external site.
Research article:
https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/immunology/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2022.888392/fullLinks to an external site.
Basic Drug information: see professional references above
A. What is your chosen medication advertisement or article?
Ilaris https://www.ilarishcp.com/Links to an external site.
B. What is the medication indicated for, and what are its claims or benefits for taking it?
Ilaris is taken for the treatment of gout flare pain.
C. What’s the medication class, mechanism of action, available dosages, and routes?
It is classified as a monoclonal antibody, and it acts by binding to IL-1B, neutralizing its activity, and blocking its interaction with receptors (Discover Ilaris, n.d.). It is a subcutaneous injection of 150mg.
2. A. What are the most common and life-threatening side effects?
Immunosuppression and allergic reactions are the most life-threatening (HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION, n.d.). The most common include cold-like symptoms, increased triglyceride levels, and mild urinary or respiratory tract infections.
B. When should the patient notify the MD?
The MD should be notified with any symptoms of allergic reaction, including rash, palpitations, and difficulty breathing (HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION, n.d.).
3. A. Discuss some of the competing or similar medications and compare the statistical data/studies or efficacy of the drug.
Canakinumab, or Ilaris, is compared to triamcinolone acetonide which is another injectable, however this is intramuscular. Studies show that pain management is more successful in the use of canakinumab (Arnold et al., 2022). Unfortunately, double the adverse effects were seen in the use of Ilaris than in triamcinolone.
B. Based on this data which one would you recommend?
Based on this data, I would recommend Canakinumab. The adverse effects are still seen in between 2 and 8 percent of patients, and the pain management exceeds other options (Arnold et al., 2022).
4. A. What lifestyle or nonpharmacologic interventions are recommended in addition to this medication?
Diet changes that reduce the risk of gout flares include limiting alcohol consumption and the intake of high-purine foods, such as red meat and shellfish (UpToDate, n.d.). A patient should also limit high-fructose corn syrup and drinks high in sugar. Diet alternatives include the Mediterranean and DASH diets. Weight management has also been shown to reduce uric acid levels.
B. What are some resources, tools, and support available for the patient?
Patient Education – UpToDate
https://www.uptodate.com/contents/gout-the-basics?topicRef=514&source=see_linkLinks to an external site.
News and Education on Gout Management – Arthritis Foundation
https://www.arthritis.org/gout-patient-educationLinks to an external site.
Answer the following 2 questions from additional research and reputable resources:
5. A. What are the most current Clinical Practice guidelines (or Management algorithm) for this diagnosis? Give the title and put the working link in the references.
B. What is the 1st line recommendation? Is the drug you chose to discuss above listed as one of them? Why or why not?
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and colchicine are the first line in the treatment of gout, and Ilaris is only to be used when the former are intolerable or ineffective, therefore it is not a first line recommendation (HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION, n.d.).
6. A. Based on your research, would you recommend using this drug or do you think more research is needed?
Based on my research, I do consider this drug safe when used after the failure of NSAIDs and colchicine. The side effects are mild and few, and it is only used during flares of gout, meaning the medication is not being taken continuously. If the patient is properly educated on hand hygiene, perineal care, nutrition, and infection prevention, this may reduce any risk that occurs from immunosuppression.
B. Do you have any personal or professional experience with this drug?
I don’t have any personal or professional experience with this drug, and I have never administered it.
Arnold, D. D., Yalamanoglu, A., & Boyman, O. (2022). Systematic Review of Safety and Efficacy of IL-1-Targeted Biologics in Treating Immune-Mediated Disorders. Frontiers in Immunology, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2022.888392Links to an external site.
Discover Ilaris. (n.d.). Ilaris. https://www.ilarishcp.com/assets/pdfs/308178_ILA_Ilaris_Digital_Gout_Brochure_Q4_10-23.pdfLinks to an external site.
HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION. (n.d.). Novartis. https://www.novartis.com/us-en/sites/novartis_us/files/ilaris.pdfLinks to an external site.
Ilaris. (n.d.). Official Healthcare Professional Site | ILARIS® (canakinumab). Ilaris. https://www.ilarishcp.com/Links to an external site.
UpToDate. (n.d.). Nonpharmacologic strategies for the prevention and treatment of gout. UpToDate. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/nonpharmacologic-strategies-for-the-prevention-and-treatment-of-goutLinks to an external site.

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