Ethics of Climate Regulation-Identify a recent change or proposed change in regulations designed to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Some examples may be new standards for cars and gas ovens, eliminating fossil fuel-driven electricity, and shutting down industrial complexes.

In Unit 1, you learned environmental science incorporates multiple disciplines, including ethics. Ethics is a branch of knowledge based on moral principles. Environmental sustainability based on ethics is described by the United Nations as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

(RealizeIt Unit 1 Content)
For this first assignment, you are asked to consider the government policy changes to reduce the use of fossil fuels using the lens of ethics.
Do this by writing a three-paragraph response that includes the following:

First Paragraph

Identify a recent change or proposed change in regulations designed to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Some examples may be new standards for cars and gas ovens, eliminating fossil fuel-driven electricity, and shutting down industrial complexes.
Describe the reason for the regulation change (include at least one source (external) not presented in the unit’s contents).
What studies have been done to support the change
In your opinion, Is the reason based on science or politics?
Second Paragraph
Detail the pros and cons of these regulatory changes using a scientific focus. (include at least one source (external) not presented in the unit’s contents).

Do the scientific benefits of this change outweigh the negatives?
What should regulators consider when making these changes?
How does scientific research justify the changes?
Third Paragraph
Put on your ‘ethics’ glasses and discuss these new regulations from that point of view (include at least one source (external) not presented in the unit’s contents).
What populations will be most affected by these changes?
What are the benefits of the new regulations for both today’s and tomorrow’s global citizens?
What harm will the new regulations cause in the near term? (loss of jobs, blackouts, hunger, etc.)
What harms could be experienced in the future?
Based purely on ethics, should the regulations be changed to speed up the eventual removal of fossil fuels despite any negative effects on human populations?
Note: You can use the same or multiple external sources for your three paragraphs.
Please be sure your external sources are academically credible and that you validate any source used by creating in-text citations and references in APA format

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