English Comp Discussion RESPONSE: Persuasion in Everyday Life

Instructions from Professor:
Respond to two peers’ main posts with replies of 100-150 words each, answer the following questions:
Was the situation described clearly and with enough detail to envision the situation?
Reflect on the results. Could the situation have been handled differently? If so, how?
Identify areas of Ethos-Logos-Pathos and specify which of the three your peer’s argument relied on most heavily. (HELLO WRITER, PLEASE SEE

Suggest areas of Ethos-Logos-Pathos that could have been used to make your peer’s argument successful or stronger. (PLEASE SEE

ATTACHMENT OF Ethos-Logos-Pathos)
Have you ever encountered or witnessed a similar situation? How did you handle it?
Discussion post from classmate to respond to:

Hello Professor and classmates,
In 2020 I worked in an ambulance for 9 years as an Emergency medical technician. I volunteered to go on a FEMA trip to help the states that were hit the hardest by COVID-19. My detail was in New York. Those days were hard. We, as the front line, had to make hard decisions since the hospitals did not have enough ventilators to help people breathe when their lungs were too weak to breathe on their own. We had to make the decisions on the spot and choose who we thought would have a good chance to make it through. It was so difficult to make those quick decisions. It was hard because most of the people we had to leave behind were older people who would not have a success rate to come off the vent if they cleared the disease. I still cry if I think about their faces as we tell them sorry sir/ma’am there is nothing we can do, you are too far advanced, and your lungs are very weak. Some made it, but many did not. After experiencing this my husband at the time, did not believe that COVID-19 was real. He felt it was all lies to give you a shot and implant a microchip in your arm so the Government could track you. I understood his doubting the government, with all the lies that have been happening in our country, But I debated that if the government wanted to track you, they could do so cheaper and more incognito by tracking the cellular phone in your hand. I also explained that I had to make hard decisions quickly about who we felt was strong enough to stay on a ventilator and how it affected me emotionally. I even explained that I was one of the first to get the shot not only to protect my patients, my family, and myself. Over the years shots have helped deadly diseases to non-existent numbers if enough of the population is vaccinated. For instance, smallpox one of the deadliest diseases for many years, has been eradicated from vaccination.

Even with all the information I relayed to him, I was unsuccessful in persuading him about Covid 19. I feel no matter what I said or proven facts I could express to him he would not have changed his mind. I come to this conclusion because even using ethos, logos, and pathos he barely listened. His mind was made up even before the conversation took place. However, I was successful in educating him on the facts of the disease so that maybe one day he will be able to look back and realize his mistake.

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