Compare and Contrast the United States and Canadian versions of SORN laws.

The focus of this assignment will be a specific set of laws within the CPM: Sex Offender Registration and Notification (SORN) laws. SORN laws are considered the cornerstone of the CPM because they are applied to the broadest range of convicted sex offenders and tend to apply to sex offenders for the longest time-periods. The assignment consists of 4 sections:

• Section 1: General Description of SORN Laws: What are they? Why were they formed?

What specifically do they seek to do?
• Section 2: Compare and Contrast the United States and Canadian versions of SORN laws.

• Section 3: What does the empirical literature say about the effectiveness of SORN laws?
You should cite at least 5 empirical sources published in peer reviewed journals.

• Section 4: Conclusion – Based on the empirical literature (section 3), what can you conclude about the effectiveness of SORN laws?

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