Write a research paper about the effects of mental illness on individuals.

Write a research paper about the effects of mental illness on individuals.TOPIC: MENTAL ILLNESS

Article #1
Author’s name:
Title of article:
25-word summary:
Article #2
Author’s name:
Title of article:
25-word summary:
Second, write what is the debate surrounding your topic that you plan to contributing to.
PART 2 (150 words)
Your audience
Your purpose
Your chosen genre (you can do a “typical” academic essay, but if you feel another genre would be more effective communicating to your audience, then you can choose to write in another genre, such as a blog or website or letter or speech or memoir or short story)(150 WORDS)
For your audience, please do not forget that it must be SPECIFIC. You must profile a real person, organization, or community. For example, if you say you are writing to the public, this is too broad and is impossible to profile. Or if you say “those who disagree with you,” not everyone with an opposing view point will have the same ideological background (set of values and beliefs), so it will be difficult to rhetorically strategize to make the most compelling case to your audience.
Also, when I read your writing project, I am playing the role of your audience, so I need a SPECIFIC audience to know how to read your project. This is in your best interest, because if your audience is not specific, then I may play to wrong audience member and misread your paper.
To identify an audience, think of who would care about your topic and have a different perspective than you. For example, let’s say that your social issue is cyber bullying and you are going to join the debate on whether the government should be involved to monitor social media sites, you would be invested in this debate? Think of a person, organization, community, or institution who are involved in this debate. If you say people who believe government should regulate the Internet or victims of cyber bullying, this is not SPECIFIC. There is no way to profile all these people.

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