Write a research paper explaining how you would use positive psychology theory in a classroom teaching life skills.

Write a research paper explaining how you would use positive psychology theory in a classroom teaching life skills.The purpose of this assignment is to apply Positive Psychology factors to your life. You will conducting a personal experiment. You will begin by taking a pre-test (see below). Then, you will choose one practice (Gratitiude, Meaning, or MIndfulness) and do it daily while keeping a journal (the journal could be notes on your phone or an actual journal). You will do this practice for at least 2 weeks (14 days). Then you will take a post test (the same test as before).

The paper will consist of your research into each of the practices. You will then discuss why you chose the practice you chose. You will then provide the scores of the pre and post tests. Then you will discuss your findings. Please read below for more specifics.

Write in APA format

Assignment Requirements (Use as a checklist):
1. You will begin by taking the Oxford_Happiness_Questionnaire.pdf Oxford_Happiness_Questionnaire.pdf – Alternative Formats

2. You will research and discuss the following aspects of positive psychology in your own life:
3. Developing a practice:
Choose a variable.
You will keep a journal of your activity (minimum of 14 days in a row).
Gratitude: Before you go to sleep, write down in a journal, the date and 3 things for which you are grateful. (Try to choose 3 different things or different aspects of the same things if you need to- example: You are grateful for your family- Be more specific- “I am grateful for the support my Mother gives me when I feel stressed.”)
Meaning: Before bed, please write about the following: Pick something that happened to you today. Now, reframe or change the story so that the experience ended up being something meaningful. Example: “Today I was stuck in traffic and I was frustrated.” Now the reframe: “Today while driving home there was traffic. I took this time to listen to music and sing in the car”.
Mindfulness: Before bed, please write about the following daily exercise: Once a day, when you begin to feel overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, do the following. Stop what you are doing: Close your eyes. Take 3 deep breaths. Open your eyes and answer the following: What can I see? What can I feel? What can I hear? What can I smell? What can I taste? Then, when ready, take three deep breaths and continue. When writing in your journal, mention why you felt what you felt and how you felt afterwards.
4. After a minimum of 14 days, retake the Oxford_Happiness_Questionnaire.pdf Oxford_Happiness_Questionnaire.pdf – Alternative Formats
5. Answer the following to document your personal experiment:
Compare your scores (without needing to reveal what they are if you are uncomfortable).
Was there a difference in the scores?
Was practicing gratitude. meaning, or mindfulness a good experience? Why or why not?
Provide a sample of your journal (you can share as much as you want)
Did you have any insights from this practice? Did you learn something about yourself?
Will you continue the practice? Why? Why not?
6. Four References

Below are test results and journal entries on gratitude practice

1. when i first took the oxford of happiness test i got a 4 which results in – Somewhat happy or moderately happy. Satisfied. This is what the average person scores.

2. Here are some examples of my journal entries on gratitude
Week 1 Journal Entries: Day 1: Today, I am thankful for my Christian faith, which grounds me and fills me with hope and strength. In times of uncertainty and challenges, my faith provides me with a sense of purpose and resilience. I am grateful for the comfort and guidance that my faith offers, reminding me that I am never alone in my journey as a single mom and aspiring therapist. Thankful for my daughter always motivating me and how kind and amazing she is
Day 5: I am grateful for my family’s unwavering support and love. Their encouragement, understanding, and willingness to help me navigate the complexities of balancing work, studies, and motherhood are invaluable. Knowing that I have a strong support system behind me gives me the confidence to pursue my dreams of becoming a therapist and making a positive impact in the lives of others.
Day 10: Today, I am thankful for the opportunity to work at the substance abuse center as a behavioral health technician and lead group therapy sessions. This role allows me to apply my knowledge and skills in psychology to support individuals on their journey to recovery. I am grateful for the trust and connection I have built with my clients, witnessing their progress and resilience firsthand fuels my passion for helping others overcome challenges.
Week 2 Journal Entries: Day 1: I am thankful for the opportunity to study psychology and pursue my dream of becoming a therapist. Engaging in academic learning and practical training in the field of psychology fills me with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. I am grateful for the knowledge and insights I gain through my studies, equipping me with the tools to support individuals in their mental health journey with compassion and empathy.

Day 5: Today, I am grateful for the moments of connection and growth I experience during group therapy sessions at the substance abuse center. Leading these sessions allows me to witness the strength and resilience of my clients as they share their stories and support each other in their recovery journey. I am thankful for the opportunity to facilitate healing and transformation in a supportive and empowering environment. Day 10: I am thankful for the blessings of each day as a single mom, Christian woman, and aspiring therapist. The challenges I face are met with gratitude for the strength and opportunities for growth they bring. I am thankful for the love of my family, the guidance of my faith, and the fulfillment I find in my work. Each day presents new possibilities for learning, connection, and making a difference in the lives of others.

3. After I applied the gratitude practice in my daily life for 2 weeks i scored a 5 on the oxford happiness tests which means -Very happy. Being happy has more benefits than just feeling good. It’s correlated with benefits like
health, better marriages, and attaining your goals.

Therefore, I will continue applying this practice in my daily life

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