Compose a research report that explains how to What does the word “methodology” actually mean?

Compose a research report that explains how to What does the word “methodology” actually mean?
I want to make a research proposal for study master Degree the program About Compost, the contents of Compost, the method of preparation through the use of shrimp shells, its advantages, uses, and its effect on the plant, and also Compost tea, its contents, method and stages of preparation, uses, its effect on the plant, and the comparison between and between Compost….Please consider the contents:

1- Abstract it includes all elements of the plan’s contents in brief, so that the summary does not exceed one page (A4 size) with approximately 250 words, as in the form.
2- Introduction
3- Literature review ( updating within 3 years )
4- Objectives ( Main and Specific )
5- Benefits
6-Methodology Methods and materials
1. Statistical analysis
7- Work plan
8- References

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