Compose a research paper that explains a criminal law policy article in further detail.

Subject options for the paper:
 Capacity and Defenses (Mental Impairment or Insanity, Infancy and Immaturity, etc.)
 Offenses against the Public Peace (including disorderly conduct, drug laws, drunkenness, etc.)
 Preparatory Activity Crimes (Attempted Crimes, Solicitation, Conspiracy, etc.)
 Crimes against the Person (including Sex Offenses)
 Crimes against Property

The paper can be anything related to Criminal Law and the book has many examples. Some suggestions for the paper are the following:
Subject options for the paper:
• Capacity and Defenses (Mental Impairment or Insanity, Infancy and Immaturity, etc.)
• Offenses against the Public Peace (including disorderly conduct, drug laws, drunkenness, etc.)
• Preparatory Activity Crimes (Attempted Crimes, Solicitation, Conspiracy, etc.)
• Crimes against the Person (including Sex Offenses)
• Crimes against Property
You can cite cases, any other type of publication, including: Journals, Books, Internet Articles, etc.
The paper must:
• Have 8-10 pages not including the title page or sources page.
• Be double-spaced
• Include 1.25 inch margins
• Use Times New Roman 12 point type
It should include:
• A title page
• An introduction
• Body of paragraphs with subheadings
• Conclusion
Compose a research paper that explains a criminal law policy article in further detail.• A reference page with at least 10 cited works
Of the total works cited, half should be from academic journals or books published by an academic press. Works cited and the references should be in APA format (details of the APA format can be found at The subject of the paper must be any subject matter related to Criminal Justice. (You can cite cases, or any other type of publication.) Policy Paper will be worth a Maximum of 10 points.

POLICY PAPER is due Sunday April 21st 11:55 p.m. NO EXTENSIONS

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