Compose a research report that explains how to Which fundamental ideas underpin citizenship?

Compose a research report that explains how to Which fundamental ideas underpin citizenship?Choose one form to follow: MLA. Format appropriately and use internal citations for quoted material and include a works cited paper. MLA starting pages do not require a cover page. Again, review your formats closely.

This paper should have the first three pages of (A) Consideration 1, (B) Consideration 2, (C) Consideration 3. I suggest you write one page to answer each question and if you have works cited, you should create one for all three considerations. Then start your rhetorical analysis on the article provided just above here. I expect you can analyze the paper 3-4 double spaced pages quite easily if you follow the instructions and ask questions early for clarification. A works cited page is to be included for this paper.

One running header for the entire paper would be advisable. I suggest the running header be the words Rhetorical Citizenship be present.

Proofread, proofread, proofread…your writing and create a clear, easy to follow structure. One support statement per sentence. One major point of support for your observations per paragraph. If you switch topics, new paragraphs are needed.

Excellent grammar, punctuation, syntax, spelling, and transitions that connect paragraphs should create a clear flow in the paper. Keep sentences precise, concise, and do not use much quoted material at all. If your paper has 20% or more quoted material, it will be returned ungraded for you to redo with less quoted material along with a one letter grade deduction. It is absolutely vital you understand how to do your own writing and summarize, paraphrase, and ONLY quote short passages as needed. Pay close attention to this requirement. If your paper is submitted and you do not respond if your paper has too much quoted paper, your paper will receive a failing grade and a warning citation about plagiarism filed with the school. Do not ask any company, organization, AI Chatbot or program or other person to write it for you. If you do not understand it, it is your responsibility to talk to me or others in the class and attend or view the lecture and Q&A for this paper.

Your paper should be 6-7 pages of content. The works cited page does not count toward length. Do not use footnotes or endnotes. All pages should be numbered according to your style guide. If you Google OWL PURDUE MLA, you will see how to format everything. Use it.

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