Analyze the readings, lectures, supplemental video/audio material, and forums to support a thesis that you identify early in your essay. For the purposes of this class, it is perfectly acceptable to say: “My thesis is: … .” When you use material from the readings, you should cite the author and the page number in a parenthetical end note, e.g. (Abrego 2014: 121)

Answer the following question in an essay of 4 to 6 pages (1,000 to 1,500 words). The essay should be double spaced and offer citation to class materials (lectures, readings, supplemental audio/video files, and/or forum posts). Your essay should analyze the readings, lectures, supplemental video/audio material, and forums to support a thesis that you identify early in your essay. For the purposes of this class, it is perfectly acceptable to say: “My thesis is: … .”

When you use material from the readings, you should cite the author and the page number in a parenthetical end note, e.g. (Abrego 2014: 121); when you use lecture material or the supplemental video/audio files, you should cite the lecture number or name or the name of the audio/video file.
Your grade will reflect your success at stating a clear thesis that you subsequently defend with evidence from the class readings and lectures and in citing the sources of your evidence. All essays must also be submitted to TurnItIn for review prior to submission to the class web site. Late essays will not be accepted.

In lecture, I discussed the ongoing tension in immigration policy between economic and ethnic interests seeking to ensure continued migration and other sectors of society who fear the labor competition and cultural/political challenges of immigrants to U.S. society. In an essay, assess whether this tension continues to be present in contemporary legislative and popular debates over Comprehensive Immigration Reform and in the policies of the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations. In your essay you should identify likely components of a comprehensive immigration reform bill and assess whether debates over these issues reflect this ongoing tension (and, if you believe they do, how they do).
Please ensure that the evidence that you use to defend your thesis comes from both the readings and the lectures.

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