Create essay and powerpoint presentation with speaker notes of the provided topic and reading file

Short Paper:
Each student will submit a short paper in accordance with the schedule developed in the first few weeks of
class. Each short paper should be a reaction to the readings and/or films assigned for the class period the
presentation and paper are due. Students should bring something from outside the class and explain how it
relates to the readings and/or films they are reacting to. Students should not be summarizing the readings but
should be tying the readings to something outside of the class to show its connection to the class materials (such
as other books, philosophies, art, music, films, current events, or anything else). The short papers should
conform to the guidelines discussed in class, with APA in-text citations and an APA formatted reference list.
Each short paper should be 4-5 double spaced pages, Time New Roman, 12-point font, and should be a
persuasive take on the readings and/or films. The papers are to be submitted in MS WORD or PDF format (.doc
or .docx or .pdf) via Blackboard before class on the day of presentation. The short papers should incorporate
outside resources and critique and respond to the assigned readings and/or films. Each student should include
three discussion questions at the end of his or her paper.

Power Point Presentation:
In class, the designated students will present their papers. Student presentations should be approximately ten
minutes long, including time for questions. At the end of the presentation, every student should include the three
discussion questions to ask the class. Active participation is required by the class in responding to the
discussion questions. The power point should be formatted with bullet pointed text, include graphics and
pictures to display the information, and include an APA formatted reference list on the last slide(s). The power
point should be uploaded to Blackboard before the class of the presentation.

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