For Assignment #2, you will be adding a narrative literature synthesis/evidence summary table to the first section of your paper completed in Assignment #1.

The purpose of this course paper is to provide you with an opportunity to examine in-depth, a current or emerging innovative technology with application to clinical practice, health professional or patient education, or healthcare research and quality. You will complete this paper in three sections: Section #1: technology description, section #2: literature review/synthesis, and section #3: the final completed course paper. Each section will be additive, incorporating instructor feedback from the completed assignments while adding to your paper with each section, culminating with the submission of your final course paper.

For Assignment #2, you will be adding a narrative literature synthesis/evidence summary table to the first section of your paper completed in Assignment #1. In this assignment, you will be summarizing the literature that you reviewed related to your selected topic in a formatted literature review table that will be included as an appendix in your final paper. Then you will summarize/synthesize the findings from your review in narrative format to be included in the main body of your paper. You will be provided with feedback about the literature you reviewed and your written synthesis. Any feedback received related to any of the assignment grading rubric elements is expected to be incorporated into the final course paper. For this assignment, you will be adding to the first section of your paper turning in the following as one merged document:
Section #1: Technology Description (incorporating any instructor feedback)
Section #2:
Narrative Literature Synthesis: a summary/analysis of the key findings/conclusions from the reviewed literature summarized in the evidence summary table. The summary should address all articles listed in the evidence summary table. The narrative synthesis should represent the key themes identified across all literature represented in your evidence summary table.
Evidence Summary Table
Must include a minimum of 5 and no more than 10 articles.
Use the following template to format your evidence summary table: NGR 7820 Evidence Summary TableDownload NGR 7820 Evidence Summary Table
Articles included in the narrative summary and table must meet the following criteria:
Peer- reviewed
Published within the past 5 years
Primary research studies, meta-analyses, meta-syntheses, national clinical practice guidelines, or primary quality improvement projects. Published systematic, narrative, or integrative literature reviews are not acceptable articles for this assignment!

Selected articles are to be rated for their level of evidence. You may use the tool provided below, or one of your own choosing:
Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Evidence Level and Quality Guide Download Evidence Level and Quality Guide
Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Research Appraisal ToolDownload Research Appraisal Tool
Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Non-research Evidence Appraisal Tool Download Non-research Evidence Appraisal Tool *Note – literature reviews, and / or integrated literature reviews are not appropriate for this assignment.
The evidence summary table will be incorporated into your paper as an appendix to follow the references section of your paper (see below formatting).
Note: Three examples of final course papers can be found in Module 9: Trends & Issues. Please note that the incorporation of the evidence summary table as an appendix in your paper is new this semester – you will not find these tables in the provided examples.
Formatting Specifications: MS Word file with .docx tag, font Times/Times New Roman 12 pt, double spaced, 1” margins, page numbers

Required paper sections:
Title page – title, your name, and credentials, institution date
Abstract – placeholder for your final paper
Note: While APA 7th edition does not require an abstract for student papers, I am playing my instructor card and requiring an abstract for this paper:). Writing an abstract is an acquired skill, one you will use in future scholarly work (e.g., DNP final project announcement, abstracts for conference presentations, and publications).
Body – please order/organize your paper as follows:
Please use the following headings to organize your paper:
Introduction – please include a brief introduction (no more than one paragraph) introducing your technology and the purpose of your paper (note: this introduction may evolve before your final submission).
Description of Technology
Narrative Literature Synthesis
4. References – formatted in APA 7th ed.; separate from the main body of your paper.
5. Appendix – Evidence Summary Table
C. Pagination – not to exceed 8 – double-spaced pages (including Section #1; excluding the title page, abstract, literature review summary table, and references)
D. APA 7th Ed. formatting

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