Why might some probationers be kept in the community after a technical violation rather than having their probation revoked?

https://youtu.be/Pgin7V80zfs (for 1st discussion question)
https://youtu.be/KVl77bLHqts (for 1st discussion question)

1) Why might some probationers be kept in the community after a technical violation rather than having their probation revoked?
How does the use of probation affect the corrections system today?
Why is probation used so extensively in contemporary sentencing today, as opposed to in the past?

2) In your own words, do you think that intermediate sanctions are an acceptable form of sentencing to the general public in the current political climate?
Should intermediate sanctions be operated by traditional probation and prison systems or by new agencies which can serve as alternatives to the traditional process?
Why are incarceration rates higher in some states and lower in others?

3) Examine the multitude of alternative to incarceration programs for offenders that have been utilized in the past or are currently practiced. Include treatment and rehabilitation programs in your search. Identify one program and discuss the merits and challenges in the program. Provide the type of offender the program aims to serve and briefly discuss the history, length and structure of the program, including how often it has been used in criminal justice facilities and institutions. For additional information on incarceration programs see the video posted in the Learning Activities tab.
Include References from videos from the videos above.

4) In your own words, explain the process by which a new inmate absorbs the customs of prison society and learns to adapt to the environment. The phenomenon is also known as “Prisonization.” Consider adaptive roles inmates fall within, including Doing Time, Gleaning, Jailing and Disorganized Criminal, to explain your response.

Questions 1 and 3 have videos and the answers have to reflect the video. This is not a research assignment.

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