Locate the 2023 Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Annual Report (Form 10-K). When you have found it, list the exact fiscal year end. It is typically found on page 1. For example, the previous fiscal year ended for the prior Form 10-K is found here

Requirement 1 (First post): Locate the 2023 Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory Annual Report (Form 10-K). When you have found it, list the exact fiscal year end. It is typically found on page 1. For example, the previous fiscal year ended for the prior Form 10-K is found here

RMCF for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2022

Requirement 2 (First post). We became familiar with RMCF’s financial statements and supplementary data when we completed discussion board post #1. Now, let’s continue with our research of the Form 10-K Annual Report. Again use ITEM 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA. In other words, the answers to the questions can be found in that section. Include the answer to these 3 questions:

Does Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (RMCF) have any inventory? Yes or No
If so, how much (in U.S. dollars) was the inventory balance last year (2022)? How much was the inventory balance this year (2023)?
Finally, we just learned about the four assumption methods to calculate inventory cost in our study of Chapter 5. Which of the four methods does RMCF use to determine inventory cost? HINT: you will find the answer in the INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS section “Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements”. Somewhere within Note 1 – Nature of Operations and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies. Notice there are headings within this note you will find helpful to narrow your search. Because as you know, it is significant to know how Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory calculates its inventory cost.

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