Explain how every reading connects, explain how the lecture connects to every reading, and you can provide real life examples that connect to the readings and the lecture.

5-page minimum, 7-page maximum, page limit does not count title page and reference page.
12-font, MS Word, Times New Roman, double-space, 1″ margins, ASA Format
Points are deducted if course materials are not used for assignments.
Points are deducted if course materials are not cited in assignments.
Do not use Internet searches, dictionaries, thesauruses, and other materials that are not in the attachments below.
Do not use direct quotes. Put everything in your own words and provide ASA-style in-text citations and ASA-style works cited page.
Highlight what you consider important in every reading and every lecture attached below.
Explain how every reading connects, explain how the lecture connects to every reading, and you can provide real life examples that connect to the readings and the lecture.
Explain in your own words the parts of the textbook chapters (Chapters 7,8,9 attachments) you consider most important to highlight.
Explain in your own words the parts of the other readings (Doda 2005 connects to Nunes 2016, Rodgers et al 2007, and Deivanaygam et al 2021) you consider most important to highlight.
Explain in your own words how Lecture 3 provides examples for the chapters and the CourseDen readings.

Everything listed below should be included in the paper.

Lecture 3 (two lectures total)
Rogers and Pilgrim Chapter 7 Mental health work and professions
Rogers and Pilgrim Chapter 8 The treatment of people with mental health problems

Rogers and Pilgrim Chapter 9 Prisons, criminal justice, and mental health
Doda 2005 Introduction to Sociology for health students…. (read at least 15 pages and connect to the Nunes 2016 Sociology of health attachment)
Rogers, et al 2007 Relocating the sociology of mental health and illness.
Deivanayagam, et al 2021 Policing is a threat to public health and human rights.

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