A policy brief is a form of policy analysis which integrates three important objectives for environmental policy: analyzing, formulating, and influencing policy.

A policy brief is a form of policy analysis which integrates three important objectives for environmental policy: analyzing, formulating, and influencing policy.
Your policy brief should be written in a different “voice” than your normal research/ student papers as it designed to inform and influence key individuals and organizations. Think of yourself trying to educate and influence a group of decision makers, like a governing board or government committee, about why a new policy is needed and why the policy you are proposing is a good idea.
The policy brief should be written with a recipient in mind, such as one of the persons on your list of key individuals/organizations or a legislator whose support you seek for your proposed solutions.
This assignment uses a methodology developed at the Youth Policy Institute, part of the Bonner Foundation. It has the following seven sections.
Goal Statement
Scope of the Problem
Past Policy
Current Policy
Proposed Solutions
Key Organizations/Individuals

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