According to Niebuhr, what are the six characteristics of culture? (Link for first book)

This assignment consists of reading questions from two different books. The first one, “Christ and Culture” (Linked above) is for weeks 1-4, (questions #1-21). The second, is from the book “In the search of a good life,” for the rest of the questions. I do not have acess to this book but I was told that AI answers these questions just fine. If you could just plug the questions into ai, and then reword the answers so they are original that would be great.

The questions:
Christ & Culture
Week #1
1. There are two difficulties in defining Jesus Christ. What are they? (Ch.1)
2. What are the defining virtues of Jesus Christ? (Ch.1)
3. According to Niebuhr, what are the six characteristics of culture? (Ch.1)
4. What are the five answers (or types) to the question of the relation of Christ to
Culture? (Ch.1)
5. What figures from Christian history represent the “Christ Against Culture” type?
6. Why does Niebuhr find the “Christ Against Culture” type an inadequate response to
the Christ-Culture problem?
7. What four theological problems confront the “Christ Against Culture” type according
to Niebuhr? (Ch.2)
8. What figures from Christian history represent the “Christ of Culture” type? (Ch.3)
9. How is Jesus understood or interpreted by the “Christ of Culture” type? (Ch.3)
10. How is the “Christ of Culture” type like the “Christ Against Culture” type? (Ch.3)
11. What figures from Christian history represent the “Christ Above Culture” type?
12. Aquinas synthesized Aristotelean philosophy with the Christian gospel. Explain in
your own words your understanding of Aquinas’s synthesis. (Ch.4)
13. Discuss some of the problems with the “Christ Above Culture” type. (Ch.4)
Week #3
14. How do dualists differ from synthesists? (Ch.5)
15. What figures from Christian history represent the “Christ and Culture in Paradox”
type? (Ch.5)
16. Explain Luther’s doctrine of the two kingdoms and how this relates to Christian
ethics. (Ch.5)
17. What theological problems confront the “Christ and Culture in Paradox” type? (Ch.5)
Week #4
18. The “Christ the Transformer of Culture” type (or conversionist) subscribes to three
theological convictions. What are they? (Ch.6)
19. What figures from Christian history represent the “Christ the Transformer of Culture”
type? (Ch.6)
20. How does Augustine understand sin and what are its consequences? (Ch.6)
21. In the last chapter Niebuhr argues that Christian ethics (i.e. moral decision-making)
is relative (to the historical moment) but not relativistic. In what four ways is Christian
ethics relative? (Ch.7)
In Search of the Good Life
Week #5
1. Peters grounds her study on what she calls a “praxis epistemology” that embraces
relativity rather than subjectivism. What does she mean? (Ch.2)
2. What three standards of “the good life” is Peters going to use to assess the various
positions on globalization? (Ch.2)
3. Who are the main intellectual sources of neo-liberal ideology?
4. Explain the basic ideals of neo-liberalism, especially regarding the role of government.
(Ch. 3)
5. Explain how the Bretton Woods institutions and development theory dominated the
international economic order from the 50’s to the 80’s. (Ch.3)
6. What is the neo-liberal vision of the good life? (Ch.3)
Week #6
7. How is social equity liberalism (development theory) different from neo-liberalism??
8. Who was John Maynard Keynes and what was his contribution to social equity
liberalism? (Ch.4)
9. What is the development vision of the good life? What three values does the theory
uphold? (Ch.4)
10. Explain what is meant by “Globalization as Localization.” (Ch.5)
11. What is the earthist vision of the good life? (Ch.5)
Week #7
12. What is the difference between the earthist paradigm and the postcolonial paradigm.
13. Postcolonial theory proposes a “subaltern reading of history.” What does this mean?
14. Postcolonial theory sees neoclassical economic policies as a new form of colonialism
(neo-colonialism). How so? (Ch.6)

15. What is the postcolonial vision of the good life? (Ch.6)

16. Point out at least one criticism that Peters makes of each of the four theories of
globalization. (Ch.7)

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