After you graduate, I expect you will be appointed as either a top manager or a mid-level manager in the public, private, or the non-profit sector. Assume when you start the job, you realize your organization needs several changes to boost performance. From the topics discussed so far, please write an essay in which you explain the organizational changes you would implement and why and how you expect these changes to affect organizational performance. Make sure you could only cite the relevant literature I have sent to you.

This essay need to be shorter than four Pages, double spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman with one-inch margins. Make sure to directly answer the question. I do not want you to recite the readings on a certain subject. Instead, I need you to provide me with an analytical assessment of the literature under consideration. Avoid providing direct citations withourt quotations markds and the respective author, year, and page.

Required format.
I. Introduction: this should include an embracing introductory paragrpph and the outine of the rest of the essay
II. Subheadings (at least two): to facilitate the organization of the ideas
III. Conclusions
IV. References

Question: After you graduate, I expect you will be appointed as either a top manager or a mid-level manager in the public, private, or the non-profit sector. Assume when you start the job, you realize your organization needs several changes to boost performance. From the topics discussed so far, please write an essay in which you explain the organizational changes you would implement and why and how you expect these changes to affect organizational performance. Make sure you could only cite the relevant literature I have sent to you.

Hint: The organziation I choose is Garden Quest. It is an Agricultural Nonprofit Organization. You can use that experience with Garden Quest. However, make sure you use literature and topics discussed in class to write the essay! Not mainly focus on Garden Quest!!!

Some information of Garden Quest I wrote before, these are just some i want to give you a sense of what kind of organization this is: These can be used as entry points, but my focus is NOT on Garden Quest. You should focus on the analytical assessment of the literature readings.

Ineffective organizational management
Garden Quest has a series of specialized educational programs to engage high school cooking classes, elementary school students, and community members in the production and use of specialty crops. For example, Garden Quest works with high school cooking programs to educate them on how to change ingredients according to season and how to gather products skillfully, as well as educate elementary school students about the life cycle of specialty crops and how to grow them. However, it has some problems for human resource management. Garden Quest had a weak understanding of the salaries it hoped to recruit volunteers for once it received the grant.
Negative interaction with the community
Community involvement plays a vital role in Garden Quest’s concept of sustainability and its desire to successfully implement programs that educate growers of special plants. “At this stage, Garden Quest is looking to further strengthen community involvement by partnering with schools to provide educational programs for students of all ages, as well as providing hands-on training workshops for community members”. In addition, Garden Quest hopes to build strong relationships with people in the neighborhood or those who have experience in agriculture, but a major fatal problem is that very few people know about the organization, except for individual residents who come forward and want to donate food for the leftovers.
Invalid Project Implementation
The successful implementation of the grant depends on the effective implementation of the program as a whole, such as the program schedule and project evaluation (Proctor, E, K. et al., 2012). Garden Quest does not have a clear timeline so that students, community residents, volunteers, and those reviewing grants can understand what needs to be finished at different stages and what they hope to achieve.

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