Analyse how leaders exhibit emotional intelligence in their interactions, decision-making, and conflict resolution.

Students are required to produce an in-depth business report on Leading People, analysing the organisation’s existing strategic intent by working through and applying their analysis of the following sections:

Introduction and Scope (500 words):

Students will delineate the scope of their report, ensuring that their approach provides a structured and logical exploration of the themes.

Analysis (2500 words in total):
Emotional Intelligence (500 words):
Explore the importance of emotional intelligence in the context of the organisation’s leadership.
Analyse how leaders exhibit emotional intelligence in their interactions, decision-making, and conflict resolution.
Discuss any challenges faced in fostering emotional intelligence amongst the leadership and strategies employed to enhance it.
Team Dynamics (500 words):
Examine the various factors influencing team dynamics within the organisation.

Discuss how leaders recognise and manage both positive and negative dynamics to enhance team performance.
Highlight any notable incidents or case studies that demonstrate the significance of understanding and managing team dynamics.
Team Formation (500 words):
Explore the organisation’s approach to forming teams, including methodologies for selecting team members and defining roles.

Analyse the balance of skills, experiences, and personalities considered during team formation.

Delve into challenges faced during team formation and the strategies employed to ensure effective team composition.

Coaching and Mentoring (500 words):
Examine the organisation’s coaching and mentoring programmes, focusing on their objectives, methodologies, and outcomes.

Discuss how coaching and mentoring enhance employee development, satisfaction, and retention.

Highlight any challenges faced in implementing effective coaching and mentoring initiatives and the measures taken to address them.

Workforce Planning (500 words):
Explore the strategies the organisation employs for workforce planning, including forecasting, talent acquisition, and skill development.

Analyse how the organisation aligns its workforce planning with its strategic goals and changing market dynamics.

Delve into challenges faced in workforce planning and potential future strategies to ensure a robust and adaptable workforce.By navigating through these detailed sections, students will undertake a comprehensive strategic exploration, resulting in an in-depth business report on leading people.

Recommendations and Conclusion (500 words):

Seamlessly integrate insights derived from the analysis to propose a set of actionable recommendations for enhancing the organisation’s journey.
Clearly articulate the rationale behind each recommendation and detail strategies for communicating these to senior stakeholders.

Conclude by summarising the key findings of the report, emphasising the importance of the recommendations made

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