Analyze that subculture / sub cultural practice / sub cultural object in the context of the theories we have been discussing so far.

In this short (2-3 page) written paper, I am asking you to
1) choose a specific subculture / subcultural practice / subcultural object to focus on, and
2) analyze that subculture / subcultural practice / subcultural object in the context of the theories we have been discussing so far.
General Guidelines
Your writing should explain your subculture / subcultural practice / subcultural object. Your reader should understand what you’re writing about, and why it matters.
Your writing should connect your subculture to one or more of the theories we have covered so far. Your reader should understand the theory/theories and, importantly, how your example relates to the theory/theories you use.
Your paper should include specific references to course theories and ideas. Your reader should understand your example in the context of what we have been discussing in class so far.
Your paper should include images as applicable to explain and demonstrate your arguments / main points. Each image should include a caption with identifying information (who/what is pictured, what is the specific or approximate date, where did this image come from – include the website, book, database, etc.).
Formal citations are not necessary, but please explain in your writing where these theories originate and credit their originator (e.g. name Dick Hebdige, Sarah Thornton, etc. when applicable).
Here is a list of the main theories we have covered so far, and where to find more information about them. You should refer back to class readings, class slides, viewings, lecture notes, etc.

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