Analyze the credibility of your sources using Warrington et al’s seven questions. Write out your answers for each of the seven questions for each source.

Read Warrington-Credibility and write a précis of this source.

Your précis should:
Use Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced, with 1 inch margins.
Be at least one full page long in this format.
Give a complete and concise summary of Warrington et al’s essay.
Give a concise assessment of the essay’s argument from your point of view:
What are its flaws and merits?
How might it be useful to you?
Pay special attention to Warrington et al’s seven questions for determining credibility and the ways they apply these questions to their examples.
Conduct a search for sources:
Context for this search –
We are looking for sources related to what is called “channeled writing,” or writing that is said to come from a source other than its apparent author, for example from a spirit or a ghost.
We are looking for one source that appears credible on this subject and one source that appears to be less-than-credible.
We are going to search the internet and the library’s web page.
Use this exact set of terms: “spiritualism channeling automatic writing”
Enter that exact set of terms into an online search engine and see what you find.
Pick one website with information about channeling spirits through writing.
Save the link to this website. You will need it later.
Watch Egan librarian Kaia Henrickson’s videos on

Using One Search
Popular vs Academic sources
Use the Egan Library’s One Search tool and enter the exact same set of search terms: “spiritualism channeling automatic writing”
Pick one library source with information about channeled (or automatic) writing.
Analyze the credibility of your sources using Warrington et al’s seven questions.

Write out your answers for each of the seven questions for each source.

Compare and reflect: What did you think of this subject matter? Did these sources have anything to teach us about where writing comes from, why or why not? Which source did you find more informative or interesting and why?
Make sure to include a link to the online source in your notes as well as an MLA works cited entry for the library source.
Turn in your work by adding it to the correct section of your portfolio. This week’s deliverables:
One précis on Warrington et al
Your analysis of two source: one webpage and one library source

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