Ancient Political Theory

Blaise Pascal, the Bushido, and Michel de Montaigne represent three different approaches to what can be termed ancient political theory, which is focused on guiding individuals to living the good life. Yet, their visions for how individuals should relate to society at large and what kinds of ethical dispositions are conducive to the good life are quite different.

Compare and contrast the vision of the good life as found in the political theory of Pascal’s Epicureanism, the Bushido’s stoicicsm and Michel de Montaigne’s skepticism. Which vision is best, in your judgement, and why?

You may wish to refer to Chapter 1: What is political theory? on Globalyceum in your answer as well.

Question 2: Locke vs. Hume Grudge Match! (1,000 words minimum)
Locke’s argument that government rests on consent of the people and an original contract, is an important premise in his social contract theory, but one that David Hume thinks cannot be maintained. Write a short essay in which you explain the role of the original contract in Locke’s political theory and David Hume’s criticism. Does Hume’s criticism mean that social contract theory is empirically incorrect or can John Locke’s notion of social contract be maintained?
Use the TAME method I taught you in the Globalyceum chapters, especially Chapters 2 and 3.
The best papers generally follow this format:
About 400-500 words setting up Locke’s social contract theory. (mostly focused on Theory-Argument, but some Method and Evidence).
A clear statement of Hume’s objection. 200-300 words.
A clear Lockean response to the objection 200-300 words.

REASONS why you reach your own particular conclusion regarding this debate. 100-300 words.
Cover Page Requirements:
Thesis Statement Question 1: (Cut and paste your thesis statement here).
Thesis Statement Question 2: (Cut and paste your thesis statement here).
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I (your name), do hereby swear and declare that I did not copy and paste from the internet, that I properly cited all outside sources, and that the entirety of the work below is mine. This statement is a statement of consent to the plagiarism policy of CSU Sacramento and Professor Selby’s course.
Additionally, any use of Wikipedia or AI software such as ChatGPT must be cited just as if you were citing an academic article. That means that direct quotations must be put in quotation marks and accopanied by a proper citation, and any other use of Wikipedia or AI software must be described below AND appear in your works cited/bibliography.
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Also, a copy of the outline is attached.

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