Applications of analytical methods in business economics & strategy.

this work contains detailed instructions in the pdf file, and the zip file I uploaded contains all the codes needed for the work and which I have made for them. The delivered material should be a word file which will be in the form of an essay, all written in detail, each method that will be used, its definition, its mathematical formula and why it is used and what it helps in, all in detail for all methods, diagrams beautifully executed with interpretation in each one and running the codes results come out which should all be interpreted in detail, there should be a flow and everything should be perfectly written, I have uploaded the previous assignments and a paper, where the deliverable should have the same format, perfectly written and its format should be the following: Tips:
• Write the above in a professional manner as a short essay (MINIMUM 4,000 words).
• Do not include code, only output and discussion – YOU ONLY SUBMIT A .PDF FILE.
• A suggested structure would be:
1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. (Short) Introduction
4. Data Description
5. Methodology
6. Discussion of Results
7. Conclusions
8. References
9. Tables
10. Figures

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