Beacon Building Supplies – Business Analytics intern.

Having a LinkedIn profile goes beyond just building your network and personal brand. Some additional benefits to consider are staying informed, learning and development, and content sharing.
LinkedIn is a hub for industry news and insights. You can follow companies and influencers in your field to stay updated on trends, announcements, and job market changes. You can also join groups dedicated to your interests for focused discussions and content.
LinkedIn Learning offers a vast library of online courses on various business and professional development topics. You can upskill or learn new things relevant to your career goals, making you a more attractive candidate.
You can share your own professional experiences or insights by writing articles or engaging in discussions. This establishes you as a thought leader and demonstrates your expertise to potential employers.
While LinkedIn offers a lot, it’s also important to consider some potential drawbacks such as privacy concerns and time commitment. You should be mindful of the information you share on your profile and review LinkedIn’s privacy settings to control what’s visible and who can see it. Additionally, maintaining an active LinkedIn profile requires some time investment. You need to regularly update your profile, engage with content, and participate in discussions to maximize its value.
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Business Analytics Internships:
Install Analytics Intern Links to an external site.
GE HealthCare
Oregon, United States (Remote)
Business Analytics Intern (Summer 2024) Links to an external site.
Iowa, United States (Remote)
Data & Analytics Intern Links to an external site.
United States (Remote)

2. Hello Everyone,
Benefits of Linkedin
Networking – Linkedin is a wonderful way to get in contact with recruiters and other professionals that are looking for potential employees such as yourself. You can display your resume, education, experience and contact information; LinkedIn is one of the most if not the most respected platform for professionals. Not only can you search for a job, but recruiters will come seeking you; its a great way to advertise your self and your skills/value.
Discover Companies – I think a large problem people looking for jobs is people don’t know all the companies that operate in the industry they are interested in. This is similar to networking, but I’m more focused in the vast library that LinkedIn is; you can find companies that you may have never even heard of but offer positions that your interested in. Knowledge is power and having access to a whole library of potential employers at your finger tips is great.
Trustworthy / Reputation – The nice thing about Linkedin is the respect that platform has, there’s countless other applications that have tried to mimic the effect and idea behind Linkedin but have no where near the reputation. This is a platform that the most respected professionals use and has a reputation of getting good profile traffic and potential employers. In no way is this a guaranteed job, but if you want a platform with this capability ; Linkedin is in its own league.
With benefits, comes negatives and risks. I believe the biggest negatives with Linkedin are privacy concerns and just the fact your putting yourself online. The internet over recent years has been flooded with scams/phishing/ and overall people just trying to do harm. I’m sure Linkedin does their best to prevent this from happening and limit threats but at the end of the day all it takes is clicking a link and people can get into your information. Not to mention you are already publicly displaying more information than most people may be comfortable with. Through websites like this your interacting with complete strangers, and although is great because you are networking and building new connections there is also potential malice out there. I believe as long as your cautious and are aware of these threats they can be avoided, but its just the unfortunate truth that they are out there.
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Internship Opportunities
Beacon Building Supplies – Business Analytics intern to an external site.
Common Energy – Business Analyst Intern to an external site.

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