Book report on Effective stress management by Ben Carlos

The book report should reflect the student’s ability to use the critical thinking principles of understanding, applying, analyzing and evaluating the ideas presented in their selected book. The student is able to state the main ideas in their own words, discuss how they would apply the ideas towards their personal development, describe the component parts of the main ideas or theses of the book and evaluate the potential effectiveness of the ideas or theses.

20 points: Clearly states the book’s main thesis, the student can summarize the main ideas presented in the book in their own words.
25 points: Discusses how the book relates to the topics discussed in class. Student cites specific strategies/concepts from class or the textbook that are related to the book. Answers the question, “How does reading this book contribute to becoming a better student/better person?”
10 points: Student states why they chose this particular book; what drew them to it?
25 points: Student clearly states how they will use the information from the book to improve as a student/person, and will particularly address topics discussed in class or from the textbook. Student includes at least one SMART goal showing how they will use the information in the book to become a better student.
10 points: The Student includes a SMART goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and has a time frame.

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