Briefly describe something from the reading that you learned that was surprising and/or significant to you.

Initial Post: “Most Surprising” or “Most Significant” Statements
For each discussion board assignment, you should be able to provide an answer to this question: “What have you learned that is most surprising or most significant to you?” At a minimum, please be sure to include within your post responses to these four items/points:
Briefly describe something from the reading that you learned that was surprising and/or significant to you. This can be based on (a) the text of the chapter itself or (b) any feature, research summary, or focal issue within the chapter. If you reproduce the statement directly from the assigned textbook, be sure to include it in quotation marks.
Identify where in the chapter reading you found the concept (the section or subheading of the ebook and the first few words of the paragraph in which the idea is presented or described – for example you can state: Under the Education, Employment, and Earnings section, in the paragraph which begins as… “Table 6.4 shows”)
Explain why this is surprising and/or significant to you – and how it relates to your prior experiences or thinking. For example, does is relate to a personal experience in some way? Does it help explain something that happened to you that you couldn’t explain before? Does it challenge your current thinking or views? Does it relate to something else you have learned? Or perhaps the concept is hard to understand, in which case you should explain why – and try to figure it out.

Briefly mention what implication(s) the focal concept/issue has for employees and organizations. Also, identify at least one action leaders in organizations can take to address the focal concept/issue (if appropriate), or another diversity issue relevant to it in this chapter. It is acceptable to also use a current news story or recent article from any of the media sources or periodicals mentioned as recommended supplemental materials when addressing this item/point. If you do so, please include formal citation information or a hyperlink to the source.

I included PDF file for Chapter 8 of the book.

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