Briefly review the structure, transportation system, operation and performance of the liquid bulk shipping market for crude oil and oil products showing the major exporting countries and importing countries and/or regions and the financial investments made in liquid bulk carriers.

Course Title: Shipping Economics and
Maritime Logistics
Font: Times New Roman Size: 12 Length: 2,500 words

a. Briefly explain the organization of the shipping market showing how the three
(3) major shipping market segments are classified and categorized by ship type,
size of fleet, cargo deadweight tonnage (dwt) and age profile in relation to the
demand for seaborne trade and transportation.
b. Briefly review the structure, transportation system, operation and performance
of the liquid bulk shipping market for crude oil and oil products showing the
major exporting countries and importing countries and/or regions and the
financial investments made in liquid bulk carriers.
c. Briefly review the structure, transportation system, operation and performance
of the dry bulk shipping market for iron ore and grain showing the major
exporting countries and importing countries and/or regions and the financial
investments made in dry bulk carriers.
(15 marks)
University of Trinidad and Tobago Page 2 of 2
Term 2 2023/2024
SEML 5001
Assignment 2
2. Briefly conduct research to explain how the following random shocks and disruptions to
trade and transportation have affected the demand and supply balance and freight rates in
the major commodity trades and related shipping market segments, as follows:
a. Russian invasion of Ukraine- 2022/24
b. Panama Canal- 2023
c. Red Sea- 2024
(15 marks)
Reference readings:
• Canvas upload module 3: Red Sea crisis; Notteboom, Haralambides and Cullinane.

• Martin Stopford: Maritime Economics, Third Edition (2009), Routledge, Taylor and
Francis Group- Chapters: 2; 11
• UNCTAD: Review of Maritime Transport, Annual Reports (2008 to 2023)
• Shipping Reports: Reputable websites and journal reports:

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