What changes (modifications, additions, deletions) to her medications do you recommend that will: Improve her symptoms?

A 50yo African American woman presents to clinic feeling tired for the last 3 months. She also has trouble breathing when walking 2-3 blocks. She sleeps on 2 pillows at night to help with her breathing. PMH: HTN, arthritis. Physical exam: edema present in both feet. Medications: HCTZ 12.5mg daily, verapamil SA 120 mg daily, … Read more


Read the case study DMV a case study in modernization. In a single Word document, minimum of 7 full pages (excluding cover page and citation), APA format, answer the following questions. Using the week’s reading materials and video to guide your responses. Use the questions as section headings. 1. Identify the most important facts surrounding … Read more

ASSIGNMENT: Week 9 Game of Real Estate & Cap Rate

Answer the following questions and submit responses as well as your work. Ned Stark wants to buy a building. The annual revenues are $250,000 and annual operating expenses are $100,000. Ned decides that a fair and honorable price to pay would be $2,500,000. What is the simple cap rate for this purchase? After Ned’s unexpected … Read more