Write two thoughtful, well-developed paragraphs of 3-5 sentences each, identifying two resources or strategies you plan to use or implement AND describe HOW you plan to use them to help you achieve your time management goals.

Write two thoughtful, well-developed paragraphs of 3-5 sentences each, identifying two resources or strategies you plan to use or implement AND describe HOW you plan to use them to help you achieve your time management goals.

List the 3 primary characteristics of this product development project that qualify it to be considered a project. Summarize the project life cycle that will likely follow this project. Identify 2 to 3 of the constraints that the PM will be required to manage.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your project planning skills in your role as a contracted project manager and apply the fundamental project management tasks and principles. As an independent project manager, you have just been contracted by Innovative Automotive, an automobile accessories company that has been in business for 15 years. The company developed … Read more

Discuss the carious indicators of business activity, labor markets, market sentiment, and inflation and how they may or may not be showing movement in a favorable or unfavorable direction on economic growth.

Discuss the carious indicators of business activity, labor markets, market sentiment, and inflation and how they may or may not be showing movement in a favorable or unfavorable direction on economic growth. For this project you will be completing an essay. All of the materials that you will need in order to write this essay … Read more

Complete a brief business plan to include a budget, philosophy, vision, and mission statement.

Complete a brief business plan to include a budget, philosophy, vision, and mission statement. Use the following template Template_Plan.doc Preview the document Remember to remove the questions before turning in the assignment. They are a guide to assist you in organizing your thoughts and the information to be included. Review and reflect upon the following … Read more

GMC wants to decide whether to retool the Lyra and Libra plants. In addition, GMC wants to determine its production plan at each plant in the coming year. Based on the previous data, develop a mixed integer programming model (some variables integer-constrained, some not) for solving GMC’s production planning–capacity expansion problem for the coming year. According to the optimal solution, what should GMC do? How sensitive is the optimal solution to key inputs?

Case 14.1. Giant Motor Company This problem deals with strategic planning issues for a large company. The main issue is planning the company’s production capacity for the coming year. At issue is the overall level of capacity and the type of capacity—for example, the degree of flexibility in the manufacturing system. The main tool used … Read more

Create and record an elevator pitch for your new product or service using your project outline as a guide. In your pitch, be sure to include the following: bIntroduction: Introduce your product or service.

Milestone One Submission Prompt Create and record an elevator pitch for your new product or service using your project outline as a guide. In your pitch, be sure to include the following: Introduction: Introduce your product or service. How it fits: Describe how the product or service fits into the overall strategic plan and mission … Read more

How do you think the business or organization is greenwashing? Explain

Create one initial post and respond to at least two of your classmates. For your initial post, address the following: Describe the sustainability practices of a business or organization that you frequently engage with. (You can usually find this information online by searching for the name of the business or organization, along with “sustainability strategy” … Read more

What impact might that have on the culture of Wells Fargo? What behaviors can leaders’ model in order to encourage ethical behavior in their organization?

Reading Assignment Every day, managers and business owners make business decisions based on what they believe to be right and wrong. Through their actions, they demonstrate to their employees what is and is not acceptable behavior and shape the moral standard of the organization. Personal and professional ethics are important cornerstones of an organization and … Read more

Supply Chain Analytics liner programming problem.

Optimisation model/Excel Solver The solutions to Problem 3 (i) should have a separate spreadsheet (that uses the Excel Solver to find the solution). You should also include the optimisation model in your written response, clearly stating decision variables, objective function and all constraints. You should construct your spreadsheet model with readability in mind. Features that … Read more