Design a completely NEW problem that focuses on the same content as covered in the original problem, and solve it completely. Show all of your work from the 4-step problem solving procedure.

Design a completely NEW problem that focuses on the same content as covered in the original problem, and solve it completely. Show all of your work from the 4-step problem solving procedure. Example problem is in the attachments. you need to create a similar one to these and solve it using the 5 step process.

Describe, in detail, the reactions of others. What happened as a result of this violation? How did you feel as you were violating the norm? Why did you feel the way you did? How did others react?

This exercise asks you to violate a norm and write a report about the experience. This is a type of “experiment” where you create a situation (social context) and write about people’s reactions. 1. Select a norm common in our society 2. BREAK the norm in a social setting. examples -Elevator behavior: With a friend, … Read more

What would the spacing be if this was square spacing?

Just finish the assignment Exercise Objectives 1. To practice using simple sampling designs, namely simple random sampling and systematic sampling, based on simulated common forestry problems. 2. To learn how the information can be used as evidence in hypothesis tests, leading to informed forest management decisions PART I Simple Random Sampling The map shown on … Read more