What is the difference between metadata elements/fields that contain purely or primarily descriptive information and those that are indexed?

Undergraduate Students: Please answer these questions specifically in the body of your paper, using examples from your reading. 1. What is resource description? What are some other terms often used to designate the same process, as well as some differences in the use of these terms? 2. What is the difference between metadata elements/fields that … Read more

Write a research paper providing further details on What symptoms do female Pcod patients experience?

Write a research paper providing further details on What symptoms do female Pcod patients experience?For this assignment, you will revise a small section of the article “Plastic Pollution Solutions: Emerging Technologies to Prevent and Collect Marine Plastic Pollution” so that it is accessible to a diverse audience who may be unfamiliar with scientific language. You … Read more

What are some of the positive and negative aspects of utilizing data mining for your chosen example?

Data mining discussion Please respond to at least two post. Please post substantive responses that further the conversation. It is fine, and encouraged, to challenge your classmates’ posts, but please do so in a collegial and respectful manner. Based on your newfound knowledge of what data mining is, find an example of a data mining … Read more

Write a research article that goes into further detail about the definition of organisational growth.

Write a research article that goes into further detail about the definition of organisational growth.An American Internet Technology company has merged with a Canadian Social Media company. Because of this merger, performance is not as optimum as the executives would have hoped; morale is low, and stress is up. The new company has decided to … Read more

Write a research paper elaborating on the question: Do you believe that classism is to blame for Dupont’s poisoning of unregulated chemicals in a smaller, less developed town?

Write a research paper elaborating on the question: Do you believe that classism is to blame for Dupont’s poisoning of unregulated chemicals in a smaller, less developed town? Watch the movie “Dark Waters” by Todd Haynes and write a ONE PAGE essay about the connections between the movie and the readings. I have linked the … Read more

Write a research paper that goes into further detail about the Indian police-prosecution relationship.

Write a research paper that goes into further detail about the Indian police-prosecution relationship.Visit the website for the Center for Prosecution IntegrityLinks to an external site.. Review the contents of the website and (1) describe whether you believe that the contents would assist the public in credibly identifying critical issues associated with the prosecutorial role, … Read more

Write a research article providing additional information on filling out internal and external correctional forms and statements.

Write a research article providing additional information on filling out internal and external correctional forms and statements.The student will complete 8 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 250 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week. The student must then post 2 replies of … Read more

Compose a study that provides additional details on Choose one of the following problems and determine how Medical Humanities can be used as an instrument for change in it: 1. Widespread Detention 2. The Opioid Crisis 3. Mass shootings 4. Mental Well-Being 5. Medical Cannabis

Compose a study that provides additional details on Choose one of the following problems and determine how Medical Humanities can be used as an instrument for change in it: 1. Widespread Detention 2. The Opioid Crisis 3. Mass shootings 4. Mental Well-Being 5. Medical CannabisYou will submit your research paper online via Canvas through plagiarism … Read more

Compose a study that provides additional details on This project is a thorough assignment for an information technology (IT) course, with a particular emphasis on systems analysis and design (SAD).

Compose a study that provides additional details on This project is a thorough assignment for an information technology (IT) course, with a particular emphasis on systems analysis and design (SAD). It’s a scholarly exercise meant to mimic an actual project. Individual Project Assignment Purpose The purpose of the individual system analysis and design project is … Read more