Explain any personal experience, responsibilities, or challenges that have impacted you or your academic achievements.”

Instructions for the essay from the transfer application: “The personal statement is carefully considered in the admission selection process. This is opportunity for you to tell us more about yourself, your readiness for college, and your activities and accomplishments. Explain any personal experience, responsibilities, or challenges that have impacted you or your academic achievements.” Goals … Read more

Explain the many types of issues, like country music, your genre deals with. Speak about the impact in has on you and on society in general.

What is your favorite kind of music? In a two-page essay following the “Give Examples” style format modeled in Gina Barreca’s essay, write about your favorite genre of music. Explain the many types of issues, like country music, your genre deals with. Speak about the impact in has on you and on society in general.

Respond to the discussion question demonstrating critical thinking. 

Requirements Respond to the discussion question demonstrating critical thinking.  Integrate specific facts and ideas from the assigned readings into your response.  Use in-text citations to cite the relevant reading. Links and websites relating to questions will be below each question. USE LINKS AND INFORMATION BELOW 1-2 paragraphs MAX, this is a discussion question NOT an … Read more

Discuss how you could develop new questions or research to build upon the ideas from each theorist on this phenomenon.

“Using Theory” Journal Submissions For each of the two Portfolio submissions, you will complete 5 separate journal, for a total of 10 separate journal submissions for the semester. From the following 4 prompts, you must complete at least one of each prompt, and no more than 3 of any one prompt. The specific theorist must … Read more

Consider a service that you are familiar with. For each of the 7 categories of waste, list examples for the service you are writing about.

Submit a 2-3 page paper on the topic below. Your paper must be in APA style; however, no title page or abstract is required. You should cite at least three scholarly sources other than the textbook. For guidance, it is suggested to have 1-2 quotes with source citations per page. Include a references page (not … Read more