Identify at least 4 specific brain structures or functions that contribute to or impede the selected learning processes.

For this assignment, you are tasked with completing a 6-8-page paper that addresses the major structures of the brain and the influence these have on cognition and learning. By completing this assignment, you will demonstrate (a) an understanding of the major brain structures, (b) fluency in the processes that occur within the brain, leading to … Read more

Explain the psychometric properties of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA).

Respond to 2 post with at least 3 references using current peer review journals Sketa Simone Bennett The primary purposes of assessment tools are to diagnose clients and measure the intensity of psychiatric illnesses. It is common to find multiple assessment tools that diagnose the same psychiatric condition (Dwyer et al., 2020). Nevertheless, not all … Read more

Write a post describing one teaching idea you have that would use technology to transform the learning in your classroom.

Posting Directions Write a post describing one teaching idea you have that would use technology to transform the learning in your classroom. Shoot for the Modification or Redefinition Levels on the SAMR Model. Be careful not to just describe the technology tool, but really discuss how you would use the tool to enhance the experience … Read more

Write a research paper outlining which US city has the largest percentage of Black inhabitants.

Write a research paper outlining which US city has the largest percentage of Black inhabitants.You will select one minority group (in the US) to investigate. You should focus on its history, societal attitudes toward it, its interactions with other groups, its current conflict and proposed solutions, or its culture. Utilize the course materials, scholarly books … Read more

Identify the title of a lesson plan to evaluate from either the “Health Lesson Plans for Evaluation” or “Physical Education Lesson Plans for Evaluation” supporting documents.

A. Identify the title of a lesson plan to evaluate from either the “Health Lesson Plans for Evaluation” or “Physical Education Lesson Plans for Evaluation” supporting documents. Note: If you evaluate a health education plan in part A, you must create a PE plan in part B. If you evaluate a PE plan in part … Read more

Discuss the relationship between, nature, philosophy (science), and social class in Blazing World.

Essay Prompts Please keep in mind that these are prompts and not direct questions. They are designed to get you thinking about analytical questions and ideas. Feel free to interpret them as broadly as you like please develop an appropriate thesis question and/or problem to be solved with an argumentative thesis please come up with … Read more

Write a research paper outlining the guidelines for evidence-based practice. Evaluation: The 2021 Surviving Sepsis Campaign.

Write a research paper outlining the guidelines for evidence-based practice. Evaluation: The 2021 Surviving Sepsis Campaign.Appraise the guideline or position statement by providing a robust discussion of the following criterions. – Summarize the purpose of the guideline and who the guideline impacts. (1 paragraph) Explain who developed the guidelines and their significance to practice. Do … Read more