Create an initial post that works as an introduction to your Academic Research Essay

My topic is: Whether or not TKAMB is a true southern Gothic genre. This is a 20 page paper that includes Literature Review, the Rhetorical Analysis, and the Academic Argument. Create an initial post that works as an introduction to your Academic Research Essay Actions . Your introduction should be 1-3 paragraphs for this particular … Read more

Comparative lit review of research on elimination strategies versus therapeutic interventions in the asd population.

“Comparative Analysis of Research Focus: Elimination Strategies versus Therapeutic Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder”” is the current working title for your writing 15,000 word literature review of the research relating to autism spectrum disorder focusinh on or relates to a “cure” or elimination style treatment, like research into sources of asd, genetic testing, prenatal interventions, … Read more

Write a draft of a structure abstract for your systematic review paper using the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics form.

Write a draft of a structure abstract for your systematic review paper using the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics form. You are allowed up to 300 words — include the word count at the bottom of your abstract. Article: Structured Abstracts and Article-1.pdf Download Structured Abstracts and Article-1.pdf For comparison, PubMed structure … Read more

Does education increase or decrease the participation of youth in violent conflicts? Discuss this in relation to Paul Collier’s thesis and using syria as a case study.

-if you feel the case study doesn′t suit the topic you can use any other ( developing country ) -show clear structure and good organization, and logical arrangement of section/facts and data and examples. – Do not generalize about youth; always contextualise your analysis using a specificcase study. – Highlighting youth perspectives, voices and agency … Read more

climate change-Analyze a text focusing on either rhetorical strategies or an aspect of its content—or maybe a combination of the two?

In this assignment, build on the ideas developed in the Mini-Analysis/ses which you’d like to work with further and extend into a full academic essay. The topic will be basically the same, but in this essay, you may choose whether to keep focusing on just one text, or whether to focus on an angle of … Read more

Discuss a State or national healthcare technology issue.

identify a state or national healthcare technology issue and explain the following in a two-page paper in APA format (plus title page and references). Summarize the issue briefly. Construct a table of pros and cons on the issue. Discuss, compare, and/or contrast the positions of professional and consumer organizations. Declare your position on the issue … Read more

Think about conversations you’ve had with various individuals in the past. Describe your reactions to the following situations.

All term long, we have been discussing the importance of looking/acting/behaving like a highly trained educated professional. Part of behaving like an educated professional means “talking the talk.” This includes speaking professionally, using proper grammar, and conversing in the terms used in your profession. TASKS: A.) Think about conversations you’ve had with various individuals in … Read more

Analyze the issue of the militarization of police. Make certain to analyze both sides of the issue and include relevant examples when necessary. Finally, express your own opinion toward the militarization of police agencies.

Analyze the issue of the militarization of police. Make certain to analyze both sides of the issue and include relevant examples when necessary. Finally, express your own opinion toward the militarization of police agencies. Answer must be in essay format.