Define privacy. Discuss the social values associated with privacy and how the Privacy Paradox relates to these values.

Complete the two following questions. Write about 1,000 words (four pages, double spaced) for each question. Answer each of the sections and post your response as a Word or pdf document .If you quote text, and I encourage this, use appropriate citations and references (MLA or APA is acceptable). Define privacy. Discuss the social values … Read more

Racial ideology in the us during the cold war.-How did racial ideology shape how US officials exercised power at home and abroad during the Cold War?

This assignment is an opportunity to elaborate a serious historical argument with multiple sources. Your essay should open with an argumentative thesis. The writing should be clear and grammatical. And the essay should engage class readings and lecture materials from at least two weeks, drawing relevant connections and backing arguments with concrete evidence. Rather than … Read more

Risk Communication and Consultation: Describe who should be involved in the risk management process and how communication should take place.

Objective: To provide students with an understanding of the practical aspects of responding to incidents and managing risks. They will develop an incident response plan and a risk management plan for a hypothetical company. Project Descriiption: Incident Response Plan (IRP): Purpose: The plan should begin by explaining the purpose of the IRP. This section should … Read more

critical analysis and creative engagement with this scholarly article: America at a Crossroads-Choose a specific event or theme.

Your first job is to analyze the article, read it carefully, and identify the author’s argument and evidence. To execute this part of the assignment successfully, follow these steps: Spend quality time with the article, reading it and reviewing it many times Scroll through the pages to think about how the author organized the article … Read more

How do the political topics learned in this module impact your own life? After taking the time to consider what you have learned, share two takeaways.

After completing the readings and all the activities associated with this module, reflect on what you have learned. What resonated with you? What surprised you? How do the political topics learned in this module impact your own life? After taking the time to consider what you have learned, share two takeaways.NO outside sources

Write website copy for an FSU Bronco hoodie. The recipients/audience is FSU alumni and should make an appeal to Bronco pride.

The website will tie-in with homecoming. Include the following the product descriiption/selling points: 100% cotton fleece Available in blue and grey in sizes S to XXL FSU Bronco logo on the front Price: $40.00 Free shipping and handling 5% of each purchase benefits FSU scholarships Include a photo of a hoodie from the FSU online … Read more

Conduct an internet search to find a compelling article, video, or podcast that showcases a specific AI use case aiding supply chain managers in logistics.

1: Conduct an internet search to find a compelling article, video, or podcast that showcases a specific AI use case aiding supply chain managers in logistics. You can find examples of different AI applications in supply chain management in the resources provided below. 2: Analyze your selected resource by addressing the following in 200-300 words: … Read more

Define the term conflict. Do not simply copy a definition from a source! What does conflict mean to you?

Suppose you have been asked to write an article on interpersonal conflict for a local organization with which you are affiliated. You may choose any type of interpersonal conflict, such as between spouses, among family members, between members of a social group, or other, but your focus must be interpersonal conflict. Define the term conflict. … Read more

Describe a specific discrimination issue facing your workplace (you can focus on discrimination based on race, religion, ability, national origin, age, sex, etc.)

You are a Human Resources Manager at Fly Eagles Fly, Inc., a company that makes custom sports jerseys for domesticated parrots. Write a 1-2 page memo to the CEO of the company addressing the following: 1. Describe a specific discrimination issue facing your workplace (you can focus on discrimination based on race, religion, ability, national … Read more