Pharmaceutical companies run health care in America.

Based on your current favorite choice for a topic/debate within the course theme announcement, answer the following: State your stance within the debate you chose without using “I.” (1 sentence) Pharmaceutical companies run health care in America. Why is your stance a good one for an argument research essay? (at least 3 sentences) Taking the … Read more

Evaluate the requirements of each funding source you determined appropriate. Analyze the associated risks of each funding source

Assessment Details Review the company you chose to work with in Competencies 1 and 2. Describe the business, including the type of business. Create the business case: Determine why funding is needed for the company. Determine the sources of funding. Consider self-funding, borrowing, equity, venture capital, and so on. Evaluate the requirements of each funding … Read more

Is it really possible to “ scare ” someone out of doing something they want to do?

Chapter 8: Discussion D.A.R.E. and Scared Straight programs have been used in the U.S. for roughly 30 years. The intention is to frighten youth into not using drugs. Many high schools have D.A.R.E. officers. This program has continually been shown by research to be ineffective and in some cases counterproductive, with some students who graduate … Read more

Quality is traditionally viewed in terms of eight different competitive dimensions. Review each dimension and share one product that would relate closely to each category of quality, and explain why that is so.

In the context of physical product form, quality is not as simple as it may first appear. In fact, the term quality means different things to different people. While everyone wants a quality product, not all may agree that a particular item or brand has all of the quality attributes desired. Quality is traditionally viewed … Read more

Create a universal theme statement that applies to the book “ask me no questions” prove that the theme can be found within the novel, and that it is universal through the use of text evidence as well as your analysis of this evidence you must use 3 pieces of relevant text evidence

Create a universal theme statement that applies to the book “ask me no questions” prove that the theme can be found within the novel, and that it is universal through the use of text evidence as well as your analysis of this evidence you must use 3 pieces of relevant text evidence (with page citations) … Read more

Demonstrate your key take-aways with respect to what you have discovered about yourself with respect to mindfulness, self-awareness, creativity, being true to yourself, and attitudes as you pursue each one of your three selected personal values or Nanwami’s values of integrity, professionalism and spirituality.

Download the Infographic Template as a guide for your infographic. Create a 1-page infographic of what you discovered about yourself for each of the five categories of reflective practice from the Module 4 assignment. Insert your full name somewhere around the top of your infographic. Consider how these reflective practices could improve your leadership integrity, … Read more

The AACN papers are an opportunity for the student to reflect on their own feelings, risks, fears, challenges, opportunities, and learning.

Each student must address one AACN Essentials within the paper from the table below. Within the paper, the student will include the use of at least three professional references with one of those being a current nursing article within the last five years to support the AACN Essential reflected as it relates to the clinical … Read more

What of the geopolitical, historical, foreign policy backdrop of the film.

Contemporary, Cult, Commercial Surrealism: THE BIG LEBOWSKI We started this unit considering the original Surrealism movement in its infancy and heyday, the interwar period in western Europe. Luis Buñuel famously adapted the movement’s values and aesthetics to cinema, proving to a skeptical Andre Breton (the movement’s founder) that film could be an ideal format for … Read more

Identify and describe, in detail, communication challenges specific to the profession of nursing and gives specific examples.

Tasks Compose a 3–4 page paper: Introduce the concept of communication in nursing with a purpose statement. Identify and describe, in detail, communication challenges specific to the profession of nursing and gives specific examples. Identify a strategy or strategies to becoming a successful communicator in nursing. Find this strategy in research. Research this topic and … Read more

Explain which public policy action is being discussed and why it could increase economic growth.

The Chapter 17 textbook reading discusses the relationship between economic growth and public policy. Review the eight possible policy actions discussed in Section 17-3 of the textbook. Additionally, find an article using your subscription to the Wall Street Journal detailing a public policy action being discussed to increase economic growth. In your post, summarize the … Read more