Describe The US Aviation Industry.

There are many events that have and continue to shape the formation of the US transportation industry. From lessons learned following accident investigations to the creation of new technology, the industry is constantly evolving. For this activity, select an event that has impacted the US transportation industry. It can be an actual event, such as … Read more

According to Niebuhr, what are the six characteristics of culture? (Link for first book) This assignment consists of reading questions from two different books. The first one, “Christ and Culture” (Linked above) is for weeks 1-4, (questions #1-21). The second, is from the book “In the search of a good life,” for the rest of the questions. I do not have acess to this … Read more

Prepare a Narrated Presentation.

Using the attached word document (Group4-Project6.docx) develop a narrated presentation for the members of your organization’s board as well as the CIO and other managers. Your technical report will provide an analysis of the infrastructure and the threats, based on the incident that first brought the organization’s security issues to your team’s attention. You will … Read more

Mahayana Buddhism-Briefly explain the origins of the religion. Does it have a known founder (such as the Buddha or Jesus Christ or Muhammed), or is the origin unknown (such as Judaism and Hinduism)?

1. Give the name of the religion (Mahayana Buddhism), and the specific denomination/ movement/tradition. E.g., you might be studying the Kabbalistic tradition within Judaism, or the Sunni movement within Islam. 2. Briefly explain the origins of the religion. Does it have a known founder (such as the Buddha or Jesus Christ or Muhammed), or is … Read more

Do elements of the film such as the type of plot it offers, the dialogue it contains, the way it is shot and the way it looks, the pacing of action or of dialogue, and so on seem to fit the period?

Pick an American feature film in the 1970s (other than the star war, the Jaws and Mid Summer Madness) and write a paper about how it fits the decade (or perhaps is atypical): does it seem to embody concerns of the period as we have outlined them in class, as they’ve been discussed in the … Read more

Explain the prosecution’s case and why he was sentenced 1 day after he was convicted. Finally state the sentence he received, whether it was fair, and why.

The 3rd paper will be a minimum of 4 pages excluding the title and reference pages, typed, 12 font and double-spaced. The paper will reflect college level research and style. References will be noted in APA style. The paper will be arranged in a typical research format including an introduction or abstract, body and a … Read more

Reflect on how the demographics for race and class segregation of your city had an impact on your experiences with people of other races. Provide at least two specific examples.

The last two weeks have focused on assessing attitudes and beliefs, evaluating knowledge, and applying skills to build the MSJCC of counselor self-awareness. Now, you will create a one-page brief to demonstrate your mastery of the competency. How did you “take action” and learn about your values, biases, worldview, and culture? First, click on the … Read more

Discuss the nature of change in this scenario. What change management approaches will probably be needed?

A large healthcare corporation recently purchased a small, 50-bed rural nursing home. A new director of nursing was brought in to replace the former one, who had retired after 30 years. The new director addressed the staff members at the reception held to welcome him. “My philosophy is that you cannot manage anything that you … Read more