Identify the countries your internship company does business in by checking out the corporate website or the latest annual report.

Global Market Video Presentation [WLO: 5] [CLOs: 5, 6] Prior to beginning work on this assignment, Read Chapter 8 of the course text, Principles of Marketing Instructions: As you are likely aware, your internship brand doesn’t just do business in the United States. So in this activity, we’re going to research their global activity. Rather … Read more

Explain why the marketing communication channel you chose is appropriate, given your persona. Your explanation for the marketing communication channel you chose must be one paragraph in length.

Select two marketing communication channels for your product and explain why they are appropriate by responding to the prompts in each section below. Name and briefly describe your first marketing communication channel. Your response should be one paragraph long. Explain why the marketing communication channel you chose is appropriate, given your persona. Your explanation for … Read more

You are a recently graduated management consultant who is required to research and write a report using a given structure and style that would appeal to both academics and practitioners. In this assignment, you will propose a new strategy/improvement of the current strategy for the company. The analysis should demonstrate your ability to apply theories / concepts in the analysis of the company.

This individual assignment is a strategic report designed to assess students’ understanding of the application of strategy theories, research skills and the structure of arguments to the analysis of a real organisation. Students can choose to analyse one of two project briefs that are available on Blackboard. Your selection should be based on the availability … Read more

Evaluate the requirements of each funding source you determined appropriate. Analyze the associated risks of each funding source

Assessment Details Review the company you chose to work with in Competencies 1 and 2. Describe the business, including the type of business. Create the business case: Determine why funding is needed for the company. Determine the sources of funding. Consider self-funding, borrowing, equity, venture capital, and so on. Evaluate the requirements of each funding … Read more

Market response models are intended to help scholars and managers understand how consumers, individually and collectively, respond to marketing activities and how competitors interact. Discuss how demand planning supports this activity.

Market response models are intended to help scholars and managers understand how consumers, individually and collectively, respond to marketing activities and how competitors interact. Discuss how demand planning supports this activity. APA Style, single spaced, Times New Roman font of size 12, and references must all be cited. No divergence, no sidetrack, solely focus on … Read more

A company wants to identify three influencers in the network to discuss and review the new electric car model. Using Exhibit 11-43, which three people could serve as influencers? Why did you select them?

Critical thinking – Question: A company wants to identify three influencers in the network to discuss and review the new electric car model. Using Exhibit 11-43, which three people could serve as influencers? Why did you select them? APA required. MAKE SURE TO CITE THIS TEXTBOOK AS WELL Product: Essentials of Marketing Analytics Edition: 1st … Read more

What is NAFTA? Why was it controversial? Give an example in your response. What is the name of the agreement that replaced NAFTA?

International Management in Action – Globalization and International Linkages What is NAFTA? Why was it controversial? Give an example in your response. What is the name of the agreement that replaced NAFTA? Define the following terms and add the name of a country associated with each term: Chaebols Keiretsu Maquiladora Market economy Command economy Mixed … Read more

You are part of a marketing strategy team at a consultancy firm and Newmarket 875 has hired you to create a new social media campaign in order to influence a new market (my assigned market is- London). Your task is to generate a campaign that will increase their brand visibility within this market.

TASK- You are part of a marketing strategy team at a consultancy firm and Newmarket 875 has hired you to create a new social media campaign in order to influence a new market (my assigned market is- London). Your task is to generate a campaign that will increase their brand visibility within this market. Information … Read more