Describe your motivating factors in providing healthcare to undeserved communities in support of the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program mission.

Describe your motivating factors in providing healthcare to undeserved communities in support of the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program mission. Provide specific personal and professional experience demonstrating your interest in positively impacting undeserved communities (i.e., supporting or participating in a federal pipeline program (see Definitions), community service, internships, etc.).

Write a formal paper, including title page, table of contents, executive summary, topic headings, in-text citations, and references about your selected health issue.

You have created a policy brief presentation that has theoretically caught the attention of a lawmaker. He/she would like more information about this. Write a formal paper, including title page, table of contents, executive summary, topic headings, in-text citations, and references about your selected health issue. Using the outline that you created last week for … Read more

Write a literature review case management report for a patient in clinic or hypothetical patient with a head and neck condtion/complaint under chiropratic managment.

Write a literature review case management report for a patient in clinic or hypothetical patient with a head and neck condtion/complaint under chiropratic managment. An initial patient description with case management plan must be provided as part of the introduction. Students will perform a literature review using 3 to 5 peer reviews articles/case reports and … Read more

What health teaching principles should you consider specific to your population and learner engagement, literacy, and relevance

State the topic (disease) of concern and your population focus. This is the basis of your decision to implement prevention interventions. You will need one to two well written paragraphs. The first paragraph should speak to the impact of the disease in general. How many people in the nation, or in the world, have the … Read more

Explain in detail why you chose your intervention. Include the following: Identify your target audience, Nursing Deficit Diagnosis, Healthy People 2030 goal, PICO(T) question, site of your intervention, describe intervention tool and why you chose this method project evaluation results, and changes you would make with the implementation.

Explain in detail why you chose your intervention. Include the following: Identify your target audience, Nursing Deficit Diagnosis, Healthy People 2030 goal, PICO(T) question, site of your intervention, describe intervention tool and why you chose this method project evaluation results, and changes you would make with the implementation.

For this assignment, you will write an outline, rough draft, and Works Cited page for your research paper.

For this assignment, you will write an outline, rough draft, and Works Cited page for your research paper. Your sources should come from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. Please add on to what you have already written. Nursing Shortage Workplace problems directly impact the well-being of nursing staff and patient experiences and exert pressure on the organization … Read more

Summarize insights gained from the interview in relationship to the IN or Technology specialists role and practice

Evaluate the extent to which the IN or Technology specialist functions as member, leader, and/or decision-maker of an Interdisciplinary and/or interprofessional team; Examine three nursing-informatics (IN) functional roles that the IN or Technology specialist demonstrates in clinical practice; Summarize the link between nursing theory and nursing informatics roles; and Summarize insights gained from the interview … Read more

What is the most important thing I learned personally in this class so far?- If you were to choose one path to happiness as laid out by one of the philosophers we have studies thus far, which one would you choose. Why?Explain

1. Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics & Abortion: Rosalind Hursthouse, Mary Anne Warren, Don Marquis, and Sojourner Truth The goal of the paper is to do an ethical analysis of one of the social ethics issues covered during the first eight weeks of the course, i.e., the ethics of abortion, FGM, world hunger, or animal rights. Take … Read more